It’s Not Perfect But Hey

Remember this article I wrote on liking sugar too much? Well I recently went to the doctor to get my blood drawn and guess what? I don’t have diabetes! That was one of the things I was most worried about going into the appointment. Once I found out I decided I want to keep it that way for as long as possible. So I did start a new diet to try and end my sugar cravings, as well as lose weight. It’s been super tough and cotton candy grapes are keeping my sanity intact, but I’m trying to improve my health. And it’s working, but I don’t think that some of the things I’m doing are all that healthy. So here’s what I’ve learned.

Don’t Starve Yourself.

Don’t do it. Just don’t. You’ll feel like sh*t and pay for it later. That’s all I’ll say.

Don’t Sleep To Avoid Hunger.

Again. You’ll feel like sh*t later. You need to eat something at some point.

Don’t Beat Yourself Up If You Don’t Instantly See Results.

Believe me when I say it pisses me off that I can’t tell the difference after a few days, especially after doing some of the stuff I’ve done. But it just doesn’t work like that. If you’re like me and will change the diet, but won’t do exercise, it’ll probably take a bit longer. But you honestly just have to wait it out and stick to it. The thing that’s keeping me going is knowing that I’m working towards a healthier lifestyle for the future. Also, once I kinda get the body that I want I can treat myself to a shopping spree. And I’ll finally feel at least a little bit better about myself. And once I get my physical health completely in check, I can work on my mental health! I’ll be able to unpack my lack of self-worth and horrible self-esteem and self-image. But that’s not until later.

My Mental Health Is Still Sh*tty

But again. I’m not focusing on that until I get the physical stuff under control. Even though my mental state is drastically being affected by this diet and the pressure I’m putting on myself to lose weight, I’m still not going to focus on it. Please don’t be like me. I’m paying for this now and I will continue to pay for it until I deal with my issues. My head hurts so much and I slept for two days straight with a few breaks to walk around my apartment, eat, and build a Lego set.

Speaking of sleep it’s time I went back to bed. I was able to function yesterday and even though I’m up today at 3:00 am, I’m going to try and function today. Good night and good morning.

Meme about a lot of sleep that's not good for your health.